Thomas Bury, PhD

Thomas Bury, PhD

Applied mathematician

McGill University


Thomas Bury is an applied mathematician working on tools to better understand tipping points in complex systems (see his TEDx talk for an overview). He currently works in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University where the goal is to better predict a tipping point in the human heart—a cardiac arrhythmia. This work is in collaboration with cardiologists and experimental scientists. Besides research, he is a technical author for the Medium publication Towards Data Science and teaches a range of graduate and undergraduate courses.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Deep learning
  • Dynamical systems
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Cardiology
  • Open source
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2020

    University of Waterloo, Canada

  • MMath in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 2015

    University of Cambridge, UK

  • BA in Mathematics, 2014

    University of Cambridge, UK


Dept. of Physiology, McGill University
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jan 2020 – Present Montréal, Québec
  • Member of the Bub lab.
  • Awarded a FRQNT Postdoctoral Research Scholarship ($45k per annum).
  • Supervise 1 graduate and 2 undergraduate students.
Quantitative Life Sciences, McGill University
Course Instructor
Sep 2021 – Oct 2022 Montréal, Québec
  • Foundations of Quantitative Life Sciences: Nonlinear dynamics.
  • 15-18 graduate students
School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph
Research Consultant
Mar 2021 – Dec 2021 Guelph, Ontario
  • Mathematical modeling and analysis of birdsong.
Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo
Doctoral Researcher
Sep 2015 – Jan 2020 Waterloo, Ontario
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
Course Instructor
Sep 2018 – Dec 2018 Waterloo, Ontario
  • Calculus I for the Sciences. 115 undergraduate students.
DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Summer Research Intern
Jun 2014 – Sep 2014 Cambridge
  • Analysis and modelling of disease incidence data from the 2009 Influenza outbreak

Selected publications

Public talks

TEDx conference

An accessible overview of how mathematics can help us understand and predict tipping points.

Centre de recherches mathématiques

A more technical presentation of my research on using deep learning to predict tipping points.

Three-Minute Thesis, University of Waterloo

A 3-minute summary of my PhD thesis at the finals of the Three-Minute Thesis competition.


  • thomas[dot]bury[at]mcgill[dot]ca
  • McGill University, 845 Sherbrooke St W, Montréal, Québec H3A 0G4